Justice League Balloon Bouquet The Flash Superman Aquaman Batman. Pick the bouquet of your choice uniquely matched by Funlah. Great for all party themes if you require a change in colors please notify us. Stand out at birthday parties, pool parties, and anniversaries. Match these with assorted balloon bouquets lastly please deflate them and reuse or discard them accordingly. View our package themes for more ideas.
- (Inclusive of helium, string approx 1.8m long, and water balloon weight). Recommend opting for self-collection/ delivery with us.
- The balloon comes with Self Seal Valve to prevent the leaking of gas. Fast, easy, and convenient
- High temperature, exposure to the sun, friction and force, etc will cause the balloon to deflate or explode.
- Please discard defective balloons immediately.
- Beware of thermal expansion and contraction under different weather conditions.
- If there are small holes in the balloon that cause deflation, one could use tape to cover the holes and that should do the trick.
- Avoid any sharp objects and edges when placing the balloons.