Your little one’s favorite mouse is in the house with our Mickey Mouse Forever Balloon Bouquet. This bouquet has a giant 25” by 22” balloon in the shape of Mickey’s head with his big grin and signature ears as the focal point. 2 17” round foil balloons with Mickey’s smiling face complement the large centerpiece balloon. 2 19” red star balloons tie this bouquet together and make it complete. NOTE: Balloons arrive uninflated; Always dispose of balloons properly.
- Your little one’s favorite mouse is in the house with our Mickey Mouse Forever Balloon Bouquet
- This bouquet has a giant 25” by 22” balloon in the shape of Mickey’s head with his big grin and signature ears as the focal point
- 2 17” round foil balloons with Mickey’s smiling face complement the large centerpiece balloon
- 2 19” red star balloons tie this bouquet together and make it complete
- Balloons arrive uninflated; Always dispose of balloons properly